Saturday, May 15, 2010

Get Back Together With an Ex - How to Win Her Back

By Renee Pullman

There is a lot of advice about how to get back together with an ex. Soon after a break up many realize that they shouldn't have broken up at all, that they should have stayed with their ex. Just because your relationship isn't hot all the time they think they should break up. The other mans grass isn't always greener (Erma Bombeck said, "the grass is greener over the septic tank"). It turns out they really did love their ex and they really did wind up over the septic tank. Has this happened in your relationship?

After you've broken someones heart it is tough to recover, tough to get them to trust and love you again; it is difficult but not impossible.

It is all about trust, trust that is broken and trust that will take time and patience to rebuild and you need to understand this as you start the process of getting back with your ex. And, if you decide to try to push things fast you will probably scare your ex off for good. Promise to take it slow and easy OK? Promise to make the time investment that it takes.

  1. When rebuilding trust you must consider how you screwed up the first time. What were your mistakes that took the relationship down the drain? Are you willing to work on those mistakes? Can you fix character flaws or whatever the things were that caused the problems? Can you make the permanent changes that you need to make?

  2. Give your ex a lot of space as you figure this out. You don't need to be robo calling and texting at all hours. You need some space and time, enough to allow them to begin to miss you. You probably have a long history of broken promises and failure to change and so your ex has no reason to believe that you will change, don't talk about your plans to anyone, keep the changes to yourself as you make them. When you do see your ex the changes will begin to show themselves and this is powerful: your ex will discover the changes for themselves.

  3. It may take several months of self-work while you address all the issues and make the changes. Only then should you call up the ex and try to set up a meeting. Be casual about it, don't mention the relationship or getting back together. But if it goes well your ex will begin to notice the new you and your ex may be the one to introduce the idea of getting back together.

Those are the basics of rebuilding trust and it is the best way to get back together with an ex.

Sometimes it only takes a single new idea to bring a break through that will help you get back together with an ex. This idea has worked for many people and it can for you too. But don't just read about it, put it into action.

When you are ready to learn more ways to recapture your loved ones heart and soul and to discover the relationship solution, then I invite you to visit

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